Secrets to Handling Unhappy Customers

I had some hard-core boot-camp style training in upset customer handling techniques when I worked in a car dealership.

Let's face it -- almost VERY FEW are happy to walk into a car dealership! If you are buying a car, you might be stressed about the process of negotiation. If you are having a car serviced, you are NEVER happy to be there -- it's either expensive, or inconvenient, or both.

So, as service manager, and then as sales manager, I had to learn how to think on my feet and work quickly to get the customer back to their "happy place"!!

While I'm no where near perfect.. sometimes I still mishandle complaints, here are some tips I was taught that I suggest you try!

- Let the customer get EVERYTHING off their chest. Don't interrupt, don't argue their position, don't shake your head no when you disagree!! Just listen!!

- Write everything down! This will help you listen -- write down what they are telling you in quick notes for reference, and be sure to write down any "emotional" words they use -- "frustrated" "stupid" "inconsiderate" -- you want to write them down to ensure you are UNDERSTANDING what they are saying about their experience. Plus, writing it down lets you focus on the NEXT thing they say, knowing you can come back to any item to discuss further or share your side.

- Acknowledge what they are saying. "I'm sorry you are so frustrated by our online buying process" or "I'm sorry you felt ignored by our sales staff." Just because you are accepting what they are saying, doesn't mean you've AGREED... you are just allowing them to vent and letting them know you HEAR them.

If you do these steps well enough, chances are good the client will be calming down and able to move to the next step. If you interrupt them, you will anger them further or prevent them from being fully heard!!

After you've been sure to hear them out -- even repeating back to them what you heard can be helpful to ensure you are clear -- next step is to focus on the SOLUTION!

I'll add more tips on that solution next!

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