Planning Your New Business Sign!

If you are planning to open a new business, don't put off planning for a great sign!

Visit a local sign company and consider these items:
- Budget... Plan ahead!
- Turnaround... Be sure it can be ready on time.
- Service... Work with a co. eager for your business
- Quality... Ask for examples of their work or references

A little work can go a long way. Don't put this plan off too long, or you'll be caught at your opening day with no sign!!

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Free or Cheap Ways to Make Employees Happy!

As a small business owner I've had to find creative ways to retain and motivate employees since I don't have fat payroll and benefit budgets!

Studies have shown job satisfaction isn't about pay rates and vacations. Here are some free and cheap ways to do a little more for your employees to make them go a long way for you!

- Say THANKS! Yeah, we know you pay them to be there, but everyone wants a pat on the back! It's free, too!!!

- Personalize a message! Maybe a card on their birthday or a note on each pay stub... Find some way of noticing what they contribute and acknowledge it!

- Clear your mind when you greet them each day! We are all busy, but clear your mind for a genuine "Good morning!" and look them in the eye and smile. Seriously.'s free!!!

- Find ways of offering extra benefits. We give each employee a small monthly stipend toward supplemental health benefits. Our costs stay the same and they get an extra boost when they need it!

- Communicate!!! Trite? Maybe, but key! Meet a couple times a year to give feedback and hear from them their successes and struggles. You will always come away better informed and they feel heard!

Being a good boss doesn't have to cost you!

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Magnet Signs ... Attractive? Pros and Cons!

We have clients looking for temporary or permanent solutions for their vehicle advertising and identification and magnets are often the first product they ask about.

Magnets are a wonderful product, but we are careful to take time to understand the use of the magnets to ensure its a smart purchase. Magnets are NOT perfect in every situation.

We thought we would share some "pros and cons" for magnet buyers!

- Affordable - less than $100 for a pair of professionally made magnets for your car doors!
- Flexible - readily removable and can be moved from vehicle to vehicle with no problem.
- Temporary - great if you need a message that is short term and easy to remove
- Safe - mostly! You have to be prudent with use of the magnets, but if you follow normal care instructions, your car will be unscathed!
- Attractive - you can design a full color magnet with product photos and full color logos!
- Effective - you get 'views' everytime to leave your driveway!

- Vulnerable! They can be stolen with no effort at all, or can even fly off while driving. They are a heavy material, and if all corners are not carefully placed, contacting the surface of the car or truck, a breezy drive will pull them off and they'll be lost for good!
- Temporary - yes, it is nice to be able to take them off, but if you are promoting a business that is built on the idea of reliability or longevity, you might rethink a "temporary looking" sign.
- Limited - they can't be as large as you want -- too much magnet is just TOO heavy after a certain point. We don't like to go larger than 24" in any direction -- more than once large magnets have left our store on the side of a truck, never to be seen again, disappearing on the drive home!
- Hard to Store - magnets can be stored easily on a large, flat surface, like a refrigerator. Not many of us have refrigerators we are prepared to have covered with large magnets.

There are lots of styles of vehicle graphics, so if it seems the magnet is NOT right for you, we can point you in the right direction! Call us anytime at 502-585-4099 or visit us at
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