Free or Cheap Ways to Make Employees Happy!

As a small business owner I've had to find creative ways to retain and motivate employees since I don't have fat payroll and benefit budgets!

Studies have shown job satisfaction isn't about pay rates and vacations. Here are some free and cheap ways to do a little more for your employees to make them go a long way for you!

- Say THANKS! Yeah, we know you pay them to be there, but everyone wants a pat on the back! It's free, too!!!

- Personalize a message! Maybe a card on their birthday or a note on each pay stub... Find some way of noticing what they contribute and acknowledge it!

- Clear your mind when you greet them each day! We are all busy, but clear your mind for a genuine "Good morning!" and look them in the eye and smile. Seriously.'s free!!!

- Find ways of offering extra benefits. We give each employee a small monthly stipend toward supplemental health benefits. Our costs stay the same and they get an extra boost when they need it!

- Communicate!!! Trite? Maybe, but key! Meet a couple times a year to give feedback and hear from them their successes and struggles. You will always come away better informed and they feel heard!

Being a good boss doesn't have to cost you!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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