Good Signs -- Creativity Rules! (Even Home Made Signs!)

I have seen this home made sign many times in my travels downtown, and it never fails to catch my eye! I really love it -- the makes of this sign used some serious creativity and got right to the point, making this sign a real "winner" in our book!

The shape of the balloon catches my attention first, more than a boring rectangle ever could. The designer picked red and white -- super effective in capturing attention and offering high contrast!

Best of all the message is short and to the point -- GIFT BALLOONS is what you can't help but see first, and combining that message with the shape of the sign, it is hard to mistake what the business is about!

Good signage doesn't have to be expensive...or even legal, as this sign clearly doesn't meet city regulations for placement and installation method. Good signs can be made by anyone, of just about any materials.

When designing your sign, don't get lost in all the bells and whistles and excitement -- show some focus on the essential elements of good design -- like this business did -- and see the results for themselves!

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