Build Business with Your Secret Audition -- Are You Ready?

Recently I got a phone call from a total stranger who was looking to do business with me. When I asked him where he heard about us (which I try to do always!) he revealed he was referred by a "friend". The name of this golden referral source wasn't ringing a bell, so I probed for more information, hoping I might figure out who this mysterious person was, so I could send a thank you note.

His answers led me to remember a conversation I had with a total stranger at a recent social gathering. We talked sort of in general about life, work, kids, family, hobbies -- just getting-to-know you kind of conversation. We talked a little business, but not deeply enough for me to even think about soliciting business!! Very pleasant and memorable for me, but not a deep, intense connection, if you know what I mean.

Well, because of this pleasant chatty conversation I had with a stranger, I now have a relatively large account with this new client that I hope will produce ongoing business for years to come!

It was a great reminder to be sociable, pleasant to talk to, genuinely interested in others and leaving a good impression, above all! Not only does it feel good and make life happier, but it can be good for business!!

There are times we don't even know it, but we are secretely being "auditioned" for future business -- remember that next time you find yourself at a cocktail party, in an elevator, or other daily congregation of people!

Keep that smile on your face, have some interesting open ended questions to share, and leave every audition successfully!


  1. Author,

    This is great stuff! It's a testament showing that no matter where you are, you have to be careful. You just never know who's watching.

    It also shows that whenever prospecting for a business you cannot afford to pre-judge anyone or any circumstance. Word of mouth is excellent, isn't it. I am glad for you; even more so glad that you decided to share this with the world. First time business owners need to hear inspiration like this.

    To your prosperity,

    Kevin Timothy


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