Cheapskate's Guide to Getting Noticed!

Let's be honest -- most businesses these days are looking for cheap or FREE ways to get noticed as marketing budgets shrink and customers are harder to come by. Sometimes the solution isn't going bigger and louder, but going cheaper and smarter! Embrace your inner Cheapskate!!

Here are some thought starters to get your juices going on CHEAP marketing!!!

- Did someone send you a customer? You better let them know you noticed!! A hand written card and $5 gift card is appreciated, but what about a heartfelt phone call with an explanation why it was the PERFECT referral and could you please have another?

- Door to Door! Sounds crazy? Maybe -- but visiting your "neighbors" in the building or around the area just to say hello and introduce yourself is a FREE way to let folks know what you do... and you to find out what THEY do! (Don't forget to leave your business card!!)

- Can't afford a vehicle wrap but want that kind of impact? Sit down with photocopies of a photo of your car or truck, grab a sharpie and someone creative to brainstorm with, and sketch up 50 ideas for how to put a graphic on your car that can't be missed. Maybe your logo placed upside down? Maybe just your website name down the side in 24" letters? How about a favorite customer testimonial? Don't do "normal" with logos on each door -- SNOOZER!! Go for something that will strike up conversation, get noticed and steal some eyeballs out there!

- Donut Day! Once a week pick 3 customers and drive to their business with a dozen donuts, delivering them yourself and thanking them for their business. Not only will your customer remember you for it, but their STAFF will be thinking about you and your business, too! You never know where a good referral can come from!

- Find Partners! There are other small business owners like you trying to find customers and many of those small businesses are in related or similar industries. In other words, THEIR client base might look a lot like YOUR client base! Sharing of introductions and leads helps both of you grow your business.

So don't despair -- you don't have to blow your budget this year -- you can STILL be a cheapskate and get noticed, too!

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