Top 5 Things My Sign Buying Customer Should Know!

As a sign company owner, I get a chance to work on projects of every imaginable type, from a simple bathroom sign in an office to a complex way finding design package for a retail campus.

I've learned after some years in this business that if a customer comes with some BASIC ideas already in place, it will speed the process of pricing, design and fabrication.

Here are 5 basic "rules" that can help anyone looking to buy a sign make the process faster, easier and more affordable, too!

1. Be Prepared! When you shop for a car you probably have at least SOME idea of what you want -- convertible vs. pick up, luxury vs. economy. It's the same in the sign business. Maybe you don't know the NAME of what you want, but snap some pics or notice the types of signs you are thinking about so you can come prepared to say "THIS is what I want!"

2. Establish Budget - When you come in the door know that we offer products of every possible budget range -- from a $50 paper banner to a $50,000 channel letter set. While we are interested in selling you a very nice sign with a healthy budget, we are more interested in being sure you are getting the most value for your budget. We try to help our clients establish a budget by discussing budget ranges for a project, but it would help speed things along if BEFORE we quoted reverse lit channel letters of polished stainless steel that you have only $2000 to spend. Be upfront about what you want to spend and let us figure out the perfect budget solution!

3. Don't Assume You Can't Negotiate! I probably should not tell you this, but for most larger projects sign companies can negotiate on price to secure a project. While I'm not interested in being the 'cheapest sign company in town', if given a chance on a nice size project, I probably will be willing to nip and tuck if the business is promised to be mine. I also might find a more affordable option if you tell me that I'm on the wrong track. Because our work is all custom, you could get 3 different quotes from 3 different shops, and they might be all different product! Be sure you are comparing apples to apples, and then ask your favorite store if they might be able to sharpen their pencil to save you some dollars!

4. Cheapest Isn't Always Best - While I'm happy to get you an aggressive price, be aware that getting the cheapest product isn't always in your best interest! Remember that in some cases SERVICE and QUALITY make a difference in the long run. You might save some dollars in the opening of your new business, but if the sign company doesn't return your calls or won't come out to repair a broken light bulb, what did that COST you in headaches or additional costs? Get some references from a sign company if you are looking at a big project with them.

5. Listen to the Expert - We have lots of projects that turn out badly because our customer would not follow our advice. Signage is a unique creative animal -- color, size of lettering, and simplicity of message all can make or break a sign's success. Let us guide you on good choices and be prepared to maybe adjust your ideas to be sure the project turns out just right!

Next time you are looking to invest in your image or business, consider these guidelines to help you navigate the sign buying process!

Maggie Payette Harlow - Sign-A-Rama Downtown - 502-585-4099

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