Your Own Worst Enemy! Selecting Colors for Your Sign

Color choice is often a misunderstood element in creating an effective, legible sign. Some approach color as if it must rigidly follow their existing color palette of their brand, and others abandon any consistency and simply want to generate the highest level of contrast, without regard to aesthetics. In many cases effective color choice is a balancing act between BRAND AESTHETICS and LEGIBILITY. Too far in either direction will result in an ineffective sign.

In most cases, legibility is priority for signage, particularly for the primary identifying sign for a business. If your clients can't find or read your sign, you've failed to serve them. If your business "brand" colors are tan on white, using those colors for your primary identifier is dangerous. Higher contrast, even if you are abandoning your sublte, well-developed brand, is critical.

However, too far toward the attitude of "red and white and bigger is better" will result in a kind of "screaming sign" that results in the opposite effect of becoming background noise to the human eye. Or, if too "bold and brash" it can have the effect of giving off the wrong image. Selling high end jewelry or imported spices? Using imbalanced or clumsy lettering will not attract the right clients.

On the other hand, if you are having a going out of business sale, big and clumsy might be just what the sign doctor ordered!

Before you leap blindly into the direction of "bigger and brighter" or "sophisticated and subtle", let your sign expert help guide your choice.

Trust me, every sign maker has sold some really awful signs to customers who aren't willing to follow advice!

Interested in looking at options for your sign? Let us know how we can help! 502-585-4099 or

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